Monday, October 31, 2011

it is always in october that i
feel it the most.

the tugging on my nerves
to tell me that there should be a breeze,
or when my neck gently reminds me
to bundle up.

and this day, on the last of october,
i feel it strongest.

my bones grew strong with east coast iron,
and know nothing of the search for gold
or red dirt clay.
my bone knows how to walk quickly,
my bones only know how to walk quickly,
stopping only for traffic or the sudden gaze
on a red maple.

i must look upon the face of new york again,
i must drink in the atlantic grey soon.

Monday, October 3, 2011

the train station where i picked you up & you hugged me & told me I was real and I wanted you to kiss me, to prove that she wasn't.
there are so many pigeons, still. reminding me of that same day.
funny how pigeons can remind me of something so important. perhaps that was the beginning of this thing that i'm putting back together now.
my legs feel unsure in California among so mountains.