Saturday, July 25, 2009

new york

what i hate about new york
is the constant pushing on all sides;
the pressure to be glamourous all the time.
to live up to it,
all the time.

and here's what i want to say to you, new york,
before i venture back onto your sidewalks
glittering in the sunlight:

i don't want it.

in fact, i want the opposite.
i want to be dirty,
i want to live in the dirt.
i want to be covered in the unpleasant reality of human beings
who just want hope,
(but still do what they do to get by).

new york,
i like walking by the piles of shit that my here neighbors leave behind.
because, some burdens are really just too heavy to keep.

new york, i would rather have my fingernails peel
than my fingers lined with gold.

obstinately, i protest.
there is more, new york, than composing my perfect life in my perfect studio and working working working to keep it clean.
and so i will work to keep my eyes and my heart open.
i will read novels that remind me of all the feelings that i (so often) like to forget.
life is tragic.
new york, i will not gloss over sorrow.
but, i will ask for tears to come, and i will buy used to clothes as to not enslave children,
nor myself.
yes, i will work to keep myself free.

and my glamor will be in my pursuit of Beauty, not of things.
i am tired of having so many things.

i want to for free or for cheap, and laugh and feel love well up inside of me.

and then,
then i want to fly.


zu. said...

I love it.

Me. said...

my heart gets sad that New York isn't your true love too. But i like your heart.

kadeylynn said...

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! feeeeeel this.