Wednesday, February 16, 2011


i am aching for heaven.
my bones cry out
with the rocks and the sea
for the return of glory,
for the fullness of glory.
my bones, twisted around my muscles
bend with weary burdens
from an undone world.
i am aching for heaven
in the tender depths
of my heart i cry out for more.
take me beyond the hills
and let us sit under the tree
and whisper.
my affections bend and sway
and my eyes dart to see who is coming.
i want your eyes, beloved,
the singleness of your presence,
the sweet songs of your voice.
in the land of the broken,
i ache for heaven.
to sit at your feet, beloved
and hear the thunder clap at
the command of your voice.
to see your words flow out of
your mouth like ribbon
and wrap themselves around weary hearts
and bent over bodies
and watch life come forth.
i ache for life
when nothing is wrong
save the dull sickness that
i have felt since i first
felt your presence -
how much clearer life is when
your spirit is near -
how much sickness we have
that we never knew.
and spirit, come near.
i need more kingdom in my bones.

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