Monday, February 16, 2009


when asked in five years what i learned in college, i will answer family.
the smell of incense, a sanctuary, a sister who knows me, who celebrates me.
i will answer stories, pages and pages of poetry and prose that turn my heart from stone to flesh.
brothers. yes more brothers.
and a family - who i pour out and pour into.

i have never cared about politics and only pretend to study philosophy.

i study people.
these people who have become so wrapped up in my stories; their names embody lives, real and raw.
and together we meet our maker. we melt in his fire. consumed by his love.

and to think, if i had followed my plans i would still be east, far beyond her lady liberty.

but duty summoned and family followed and i am here rich in love.
i am in love.
i am in love.


Me. said...

I am in deep and rich love with you sister. we are lady liberty and our torches are our american spirits...

Andrew Springman said...

All parents of out-of-town college student suspect as much :)

The growing I did really did turn out to be more valuable than the knowledge I gained, but the knowledge came in quite handy too.

katherine said...

andrew, i like to assume that the knowledge i'm collecting in the book i'm reading, while not reading for class, will come in handy. or the fact that i'm learning to be a mother. i am also so whole heartedly convinced that i'll never be a politician, or be asked what my insider's take on american foreign policy is.

i do hope, however, to always be able to quote poetry at applicable moments in life.